It's worth being with us Welcome to the online application there you can Apply for your child to the school If you want the application form, you can download it here. Download Polish Version of the Application form can be downloaded bellow Download School Applying Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Applaying ToWrexham SchoolWrexham SchoolChester SchoolName & Surname Of Child *FirstLastEmail *General Data Protection Regulation Please see the Data Protection Policy. Please read the Data Protection Policy I agree to the processing my personal data by the Polish School and PISC-CIC * In accordance with applicable GDPR regulations I agree to the processing my personal data by the Polish School and PISC-CIC *I Give My Consent And AgreeI declare that I have been informed about my right to access my data and correct it, withdraw my consent to its processing at any time, and that the provision of this data was voluntary. *YesName, Surname & Date. I declare that the supplement of this item on the online version is to be considered as my personal signature and declaration *Childs Date Of Birth *Format Day/Month/YearChilds Country & City Of Birth *For Example : Poland - KatowiceChilds Nationality *For example : British / PolishFull Address (House Number, Street, City, Postcode) *For Example : Mrs John Smith, 71 Cherry Court SOUTHAMPTON, SO53 5PD, UK.English School Details (Address, Telephone, School Year) *For Example : Newton Primary School, Address : 71 Cherry Court, SOUTHAMPTON, SO53 5PD, UK. Telephone Number : 0118 816 198. Year 2021.Childs Medical Details (Diseases, Ailments, Sensitivities etc.) *Please type if any or type None.Doctors Surgery Address *Siblings. Does the child participate in school? If yes, please enter the name, surname and the class in which you learn Childs Highlights.Has the child attended a Polish School in another city in the UK before? If so, please list in which years and to which classes. Has the child attended the School in Poland before? If so, please specify in which years and in which class it ended education.Has the child attended a school in Poland before? If so, please specify in which years and in which class it ended education.The level of knowledge of the Polish language *Only PolishPolish & EnglishMainly EnglishAnother Third LanguageDescription Of The Polish Language Level (Writing, Speaking, Understanding) *Mothers Career, Name, Surname, Email And Phone numberFathers Career, Name, Surname, Email And PhoneConsents I give my consent to first aid my child in the event of a threat to his health or life. I agree that my child can be given first aid in case of danger to his health or life *YesParagraph TextI consent to my child being accompanied or assisted during the use of the toilet by the tutor or assistant if my child requests such assistance or if it is necessary. * I agree that my child can be accompanied and / or helped while using the toilet by the teacher or assistant, if my child asks for such help or if it is deemed necessary *YesNoI consent to my child's changing clothes by the tutor or assistant if it is necessary. * I agree that my child can be assisted by the teacher or assistant in changing clothes when it asks or if it is necessary *YesNoI agree to photograph and record my child during classes at school and to go out and events organized by PSS outside the school, and to use these materials for the use of: the school website, FB, school newsletter, in advertising materials and in the Polish Polish diaspora media only to promote the activity schools and the PISC-CIC organization. * I consent to photographing and recording my child during classes at school as well as during the events organized by PSS and PISC-CIC outside the school and using these materials for the use of: School website, FB, school newsletter, in advertising materials and in the Polish media for the sole purpose of promoting School activities *YesNoI am committed to assisting the child in preparing for lessons, school performances and maintaining high attendance. * I agree to assist my child in preparing for lessons, school performance and maintain attendance *YesNoI undertake to immediately inform the school administration about the resignation from continuing the child's education during the school year. * I agree to immediately inform the school administration of my resignation from continuing my child's education during the school year *YesNoI understand that the enrollment fee is non-refundable. *YesNoCommitments to immediately payment of the amount of the amount (depending on the number of children) stated by the school directorate *YesSubmit