About Us
Founder / Director
Anna Buckley
Double BA 2008-2012 Wrexham Glyndwr University, BA (Hons) Design: Creative Lens Media & Universytet im. Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, BA, Bachelor of Pedagogy and Social Counselling, Wrexham Glyndwr University, MA Arts and Multimedia Design
- Polka, która kieruje się kanonem Wojska Polskiego „Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna”
- Od 2007 mieszka w Wielkiej Brytanii we Wrexham (Walia), a w 2019 założyła PISC, gdzie jest dyrektorem zarządzającym PISC.
- Jej organizacja odgrywa pionierską rolę w odniesieniu do inicjatyw takich jak:
- Integracja społeczeństwa, edukacja języka ojczystego i zmniejszanie barier językowych, wnioski o status osoby osiedlonej, bezrobocie, przestępstwa z nienawiści i przemoc w rodzinie, zabezpieczenie społeczne, wsparcie międzynarodowe.
- PISC współpracuje ze społecznościami lokalnymi, organizacjami partnerskimi oraz polskimi placówkami dyplomatycznymi.
- PISC kładzie duży nacisk na: edukację, współpracę i asymilację trzeciego sektora.
- W ciągu 3 miesięcy Anna Buckley dyrektor – PISC zebrała na platformie Just Giving kwotę 56 236 funtów, która została przeznaczona na koszty paliwa konwojów humanitarnych.
- Ciężarówki zostały wysłane do; Łódź, Kraków, Kalisz, Caritas Diecezji Ełckiej, Mogilno, Warszawa, Baranówka (Ukraina) Odessa (Ukraina)
- Dostarczono 2 karetki do dyrektora Szpitala Nadwornego w obwodzie iwanofrankiwskim Serhija Jemelianczuka na Ukrainie.

Who we are

Our approach
Our Mission
Our mission is to make sure all young people and children get all the support they need, when they need it, no matter what it is.
Our Vision
We want to build a world where no child or youth feels alone and gets every possible help they need as soon as possible.
Our numbers that speak
We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Polish Integration Support Center
“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.”


It all started here in Wrexham on the 27th February 2022 and it still continues today…
One of our volunteers is from Ukraine, PISC is an organisation which brings together international volunteers, these organisations consist of outstanding individuals who through their charitable, wise and professional service promote the universal canon of the Polish Army: “God, Honour, Fatherland”. We as a Polish–British society could not stand idly by and watch the carnage taking place in Ukraine by the Russians.
On the 27th February 2022 Anna Buckley – director of PISC made an appeal on social media that we collect donations for Ukraine. At that time the Welsh, Poles, British, Italians, Portuguese and other nations became one big international family. The estimated amount of your donation – as a society is around three million pounds, over half a million was collected by Anna Buckley on Just Giving and huge thanks to the ADAMA company which is a pioneer in taking care of farmers all over the world.
The donations were supposed to be collected for 7 days, but after 4 days it became apparent that the generosity of the people of Great Britain had exceeded all expectations. People from different villages, towns, islands, local children and entire families stood for hours to leave a gift at F.LLoyd Penley, then W.T. Banks & Co (Farming) Limited and Oliver Harrison in Liverpool. There is not enough “thank you“ to express sufficient gratitude for what you have done for them and for us. Each of the big and the little. Thank you to all the volunteers who have dedicated their days and weeks to make it happen. You worked with us for many hours and your work will soon brighten the days of those who lost everything.
We love you guys, God bless.
Anna Buckley
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